i've been holding off on any big purchases since the xmas season, but i can't help myself anymore! i'm jaded from the winter blues and i need some retail therapy. i'm heading off today to the mall to spend some gift certificates i stuffed in my wallet 2 months ago and then hopefully hit up some vintage stores this afternoon. i'll post my finds a little later, but i'll leave you with this for now:
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I was so disappointed that i missed out on the incredible deal giltfuse was having on these jeffrey campbell boots i've been lusting after for the past few months. Regularly $275, they had a limited pair for only $139 if you sign up on their site. I am now on the hunt for them at an equivalent price, being that I promised myself no more than $150 for shoes (for now...)
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however, i moved on pretty easily when i persuaded myself that i deserved this awesome jacket from nasty girl vintage for missing out on my boots. ...yes - it doesn't take too much convincing. it can be worn multiple ways and will be great for the upcoming (wishful thinking..) transition into spring.